Friday, September 24, 2010


It's important to make sure to get all of your daily nutrients, but can be difficult when dieting. I think this may be irrelevant to us, since everyone seems to be taking the balanced approach, but you never know. I've always struggled with my iron levels and until I started keeping a food diary I hadn't really paid attention to what my values were. This is huge for me because I know iron can cause fatigue and, well, I had been feeling quite a bit of fatigue lately and realized my iron is too low. I'm also terrible at taking pills daily, so I keep a bottle of multi-vitamins at my desk and am getting into the routine of taking it while I eat breakfast or lunch. It has been suggested that I set a recurring alarm to make sure I take it, which I may end up doing because I know how important it is to for me. The dietitian I work with has said it can be beneficial to cut multi-vitamin's in half and take them morning and night because your body can only absorb so much at a time. I'm not all into that yet because that requires more of my time and I'm lazy. :)


  1. Have you had a chance to re-try Emergen-C yet? I really like the pink lemonade flavor. That's another great way to get vitamins in your diet and for me it's easy to remember because it's my afternoon treat! But I agree, a multi-vitamin is a great idea as well.

  2. i have not re-tried emergen-c. i think i'm too chicken!
